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Earth Day Tokyo 2016


Between 23-24th of April, a celebration of Earth Day took place in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo, and our students also participated in the event. It was a valuable experience especially for the students from the first year who have barely entered the university and have just begun to learn about environment-related issues. The event helped to broaden their knowledge about activities of different organizations that deal with different social problems.

Impressions of the participants

私はPOM2(ポムツー)という地雷除去を行う学生団体のブースを訪問しました。有名な写真家やデザイナー、美大生、会員がデザインしたステッカーをホームページやイベントで1枚300円で販売し、その収益をNPO法人IMCCD(国際地雷処理・地域復興支援の会)に寄付し、それがカンボジアなど出行われる地雷除去プロジェクトに繋がります。*ステッカーについている番号をPOM2のホームページに打ち込むと現地の様子や自分が払った300円がどのように使われているかわかるそうです。地雷についての知識は持っていましたが、今回改めて地雷除去の大切さや大変さにういて考えることができました。ジュース2本買うのを我慢すれば、カンボジアやタイの地雷を除去し、20m2の安全な土地を確保することができると考えて、私も今回ステッカーを買いました。またハンガーフリーワールドでは、現地の人に寄り添った支援をしていました。私は飢餓や教育の問題について特に関心があるので、この団地の活動についてもっと知りたいと思いました。(国際交流学科1年 依田さん)

I visited a student-managed booth of the POM2 organization which aims at the elimination of landmines. They were selling stickers for 300 yen each and were designed by famous photographers, designers, art students and members through their homepage or during the events. The income is donated to an incorporated nonprofit organization IMMCD (International Mine Clearance and Community Development), which is linked to the project of mine-clearance executed in Cambodia. The number of stickers sold can be found on POM2's homepage, where one can get more information about the condition of the particular regions and learn how the donations will be spent. I knew about landmines, but this time I could take a fresh perspective on the importance of land-mine clearance. Thinking that if I refrained myself from buying two bottles of juice and bought the sticker instead, they could get 20m2 of mine-free secure ground in Cambodia or Thailand, I decided to do so. Also, as for Hunger Free World, they get close to the local people to help them. I am interested in particular in the issues related to famine and education, but I thought that I want to learn more about these activities.

私はNADENA、NPO法人アニマルライツセンター、ハンガーフリーワールドなどのブースを訪問しました。女性の自立を目指してゼロから未来を生み出す活動(新聞紙でアクセサリー作りなど)をしていたり、動物を食べることや毛皮を加工することを止める呼びかけをしていたりと、活動内容は様々でした。二つ目の団体では、肉食が地球温暖化に繋がることを学んだり、動物福祉に配慮した畜産物を選ぶことの大切さを学びました。このような多様な活動に取り組む団体がこんなにもたくさんあり、その一つひとつがとても大きな目標を持っていて、地球に大きく関わって活動をしていました。今回このイベントでそれらを学ぶことができてとてもよかったです。(国際交流学科1年 斎藤さん)

Among the booths I have visited were those of NADENA and Animal Rights Center. One could learn about a variety of activities concerning such issues as fight for women's independence, killing animals for meat or a call for banning fur production. I found out that meat consumption is related to the problem of global warming and learnt how important it is to pay attention to animal products coming from attentive animal care. In this way the organizations are involved in lots of different activities and each one of them serves a vital purpose. I was happy to learn about them during this event.



I visited the booths of Japan Wolf Association, Hunger Free Association, iPledge, and others. I learnt about the activities for the protection of wolves in Germany, currently on the verge of extinction. In another issue, I found that even though there is enough food in the world, one in eight of the earth’s population suffers from a chronic undernourishment and starvation. I also felt a need to search for a solution to the problem of wasted food. A further issue that I found out about was that one in three young people feels "a lack of purpose in life" and an organization to support young people has been established. I was thinking if I could also work or volunteer there. In fact, I watched other volunteer students and I myself became keenly interested to become one.


私は山の自然保護を目的とした活動をいているNGO団体に売り上げの一部を寄付しているKEENを訪問しました。土に還る製品化をしており、ブースではどういったものが土に還りやすいのかをプレゼンしていました。人が山に入るときは遭難した時に見つけやすいよう蛍光色を纏うが、それは実は動物にとって優しくなく警戒されやすくなる。かといって、黒色やベージュを纏って山に行くと、何かあったときに対処できなくなると言うように、自然を楽しむだけではなく、違った観点から自然を見ることの重要性を教えてくれた団体でした。その他、印象に残った団体は数多くありますが、地球に優しい取り組みと一概に言っても活動内容は幅広いと言うことが分かりました。大学生ができることの一つは、まず、知識を深めることだと感じました。また自然を楽しむだけでなく、自然のために何かできることかを考えながら自然と触れあうことの大切さを教えてもらえました。(国際交流学科3年 新井さん)

I visited KEEN, an organization whose purpose is to support the protection of natural mountain environments by a partial donation of their profits from sales. In the booth I was told about the issue of commercialization of the products that can be returned to the soil and I learnt which products return to the soil easily. Fluorescent-coloured reflective elements of the clothes we put on when going to the mountains are supposed to make it easier for us to be found in the case of an emergency, but are in fact not animal-friendly, as these quickly alert the animals. I have also learnt that if you go to the mountains in black or beige clothes, you could not only enjoy the nature, but also learn the importance of being able to look at the nature from a different point of view.

There were plenty of other organizations that impressed me, and I realized that they all provide a really wide range of activities, limited not only to earth-friendly efforts. I believe that one of the things that we as students can do is to deepen our knowledge on the subject. I have also learnt to appreciate nature as well as the importance of interaction with it; at the same time I am thinking about what exactly I can do for it.

私はイギリスでフェアトレード活動をおこなうPANTS to Poverty Japanのブースを訪問しました。オーガニックコットンのアンダーウエアを通して貧困や児童労働をはじめとした社会問題への問題提起や解決を目指して活動しているそうです。また、NPO法人セブンスピリットでは、ストリートチルドレンを対象とした音楽教室をフィリピンのスラムで開いており、子どもたちが子どもらしく、また楽しく学べる環境づくりをおこなうことで、子どもたちの生きる活力、生きがいを生み出していることを知りました。また国際協力NGO風の会は、学生を中心に構成された団体で、多額の資金がある訳ではないのですが、子どもたちと年齢が近い参加者が活動しており印象に残りました。カンボジア産のスカーフが販売されていてとても気持ちのよい肌触りでした。(国際交流学科3年 牟田さん)

I visited the booth of the fair trade organization called PANTS to Poverty that acts in the territory of England. Their goal is to raise and find solutions to the social issues such as poverty and child labor through promotion of underwear made of organic cotton.
I also learned that an incorporated nonprofit organization "Seven Spirit" has established a music room in slums in The Philippines that is intended to help street children. Because of the friendly environment that is being created, the children can learn in safety and what is more, their will to live is reawakened along with their motivation to learn.
Even though the meetings in the spirit of the NGO international cooperation are centered on the students and they do not collect large sums of money, I was impressed by the fact that some of the active participants were children of similar age. It was a good thing to know that scarfs made in Cambodia have been selling well.
