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Goro Komatsu Goro Komatsu

Goro Komatsu


Associate Professor

area of expertise: Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, Econometrics, Data Science

job title

University Executive Officer Assistant to the President
Director, International Education Center Division, Organization for the Promotion of International Collaboration
Director of International Department
All English Program (AEP) Management Support Office Director

Main subjects

Business Economics
Data Science

Research theme/keyword

Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model, Monetary Policy, Secular Stagnation, DSGE (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) Model, Monetary Policy, Secular Stagnation

Final academic background/degree

Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University, Department of Economic Engineering / Ph.D.

Affiliated academic society

WEAI (Western Economic Association International), Japanese Economic Association, Kyushu Economic Association

Major achievements

Komatsu, Goro, “Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan”, The Annual Report of Economic Science, 56, pp.85-98, 2018.

Click here for detailed research results

Social contribution activities

Tokyo Metropolitan University Collaboration Project Tourism Management Human Resource Development Course (2021)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Public Understanding Promotion Project for Tourism Promotion (2022)


Henry Ford once put it “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” I’ll be here with you to support your “I believe I can!”