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Kiraly Attila Kiraly Attila

Kiraly Attila


Associate Professor

area of expertise: Language education, international cultural exchange research, traditional culture research (religion)

Main subjects

Hungarian, Japan in the World (available in English and Japanese), Hungarian Cultural Studies

Research theme/keyword

Development of language teaching materials, history of international cultural exchange (especially between Japan and Hungary), traditional Japanese culture (especially religion)

Final academic background/degree

Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University/Master

licence · Qualification

Kulturális antropológus (Cultural Anthropologist, 2006, ELTE, Hungary), Okleveles orientalista (japán) szakos tanár (Orientalist (Japanologist) with Teacher Qualification, 2002, ELTE, Hungary), Buddhist vallástörténet és filozófia program (Diploma in Religious History and Philosophy of Buddhism , 2002, ELTE, Hungary), Francia-japán idegenvezetőés host szakképesítés (Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 2000)

Affiliated academic society

Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészek és Nyelvtanárok Egyesülete (MANYE; Hungarian Association of Applied Linguists and Language

Major achievements

Jump to Hungarian: Hungarian Textbook I-II (Josai International University, 2020); A Debate on Buddhism in Hungary at the Turn of the 20th Century: Christian theologians and intellectuals versus pro- and crypto-Buddhist public intellectuals (EJCESJ) , 2021)

Click here for detailed research results

extracurricular activities

Editing of The Electronic Journal of Central European Studies (EJCESJ), operation of "Central Europe + Japan Student Conference" (Sponsored by Josai International University Central European Research Institute, co-sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation)

Social contribution activities

Support for Naruto Information Center Extension Program (2010-2014), Hungary Day (2016-2018, Tokyo) organized by Chiba-Hungary Friendship Association, and many other Central European cultural events.


I was raised in a multilingual and multicultural environment, and I want to share that joy with you. Over the next four years, you too will be exposed to multiple languages and cultures. I want you to overcome your current self and explore your future image in a stimulating environment such as Japanese, English, and Central European languages.