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2023 Fall Commencement Ceremony Held at Chiba Togane Campus

University events


University President Kenji Sugibayashi encourages students in his address

Chancellor Akira Uehara preaching the importance of continuing to learn in a congratulatory speech


Mr. Rohhikona giving a reply

Professor Chen Yan (right) receiving an honorary doctorate

The 2023 Fall Commencement Ceremony and Diploma Conferment Ceremony were held on August 31st at Chiba Togane Campus, and 200 students celebrated on a sunny day.

A milestone day was reached with 38 graduate students (including 7 doctoral students), 98 undergraduate students, 16 Japanese Studies Program students, and 48 exchange students. Of these, 160 are international students from 15 countries and regions: China, South Korea, Taiwan, Canada, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Finland, France, Vietnam, Poland, Myanmar, and Morocco. I brought to fruition the learning of

In his address, University President Kenji Sugibayashi said, "Many liberal arts graduates who are not interested in science and science graduates who are indifferent to geography and history may be weeded out as the fusion of the humanities and sciences progresses." Human resources who are both rational and emotional are what society needs in the future.I hope that all of you who leave our university will think about the position of AI and data science, and at the same time use your rich imagination and take on the task of building the future. I would like to have it,” he said with high hopes.

Next, Akira Uehara, Chancellor Incorporated Educational Institution Josai University gave a congratulatory address, saying, "I think you may have had a difficult life due to the corona wreck, but I will treat this as a valuable experience and live positively in society. I want it," he said. Furthermore, he pointed out that disparities in wealth, education, and regions have widened in the shadows of globalization and the development of an information-oriented society, creating a disorganized situation. I would like you to have dreams and aspirations with the goal of becoming a person who can contribute."

Ms. Hikona Roh (Faculty of Tourism), a representative of the graduates, touched on how she felt lonely and frustrated while studying abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, and was forced to think deeply about who she is and what it means to learn. ``Learning is not about being instructed by your teacher to ``learn'' something, but about asking yourself what kind of person you want to be and what you need to know in order to do so. I am truly grateful to the teachers who taught me that, the people around me, my family, and everyone I met,” he said, looking back on his university life.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Professor Chen Yan of Dalian University of Foreign Studies was awarded an honorary doctorate. The award was given in recognition of achievements in the advancement of education and research at our university, such as the establishment of the Japan-China Joint Graduate School, and received a big round of applause from the audience.

A former teacher (second from left) and a graduate (center) congratulated by his family

Commemorative photo with fellows who studied together, holding diploma in hand