JIU Josai International University
University events
At our university, we have been implementing the "Student Research Activities Grant Project" every year, with the aim of supporting the academic and research activities of students. From this fiscal year, the name has been changed to the ``Academic Research Activities Grant Project,'' which emphasizes the message of ``learning'' as the main purpose of the activities, and the university festival presentation section of this grant project ” and students from various organizations selected for the “oral presentation category” have been engaged in activities. In 2023, we have set three themes: “SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals),” “Environmental Transformation (EX),” and “Digital Transformation (DX),” and each organization will choose one of the themes to study and study. We expanded our research activities. An online award ceremony was held on February 6th, after a review was held to determine the award-winning organizations based on the presentations of the results of the activities and the final report summarizing the results.
This year's results presentation session for the oral presentation category was held on December 2nd. This time, in order to allow as many people as possible to see the results of the activities that the students have been working on, we have secured a large venue so that not only all the students from the selected organizations, but also many of their families can attend.
University President Sugibayashi giving a speech at the beginning of the results presentation
Students giving oral presentations
After the presentation of results in the university festival presentation category and the oral presentation category, the results of voting using the screening list and the results of the final report submitted by each group are tallied, and one group receives the highest award from each category. , two organizations were selected for the Excellence Award.
This award ceremony was attended by all students and supervisors from the selected organizations, and after University President Kenji Sugibayashi presented them with a certificate of commendation, they listened to comments from Vice University President Masato Kurabayashi.
The award-winning organizations, subjects, and supervisors in each category are as follows.
テーマ :番組制作体験の実施と映像・パネル展示による、映像表現分野における研究成果の発表
代表学生:メディア学部 島野 まはろ さん
指導教員:メディア学部 竹藤 佳世 准教授
テーマ :二重課題干渉の客観的指標の開発に向けて
代表学生:福祉総合学部 理学療法学科 本間 隆将 さん
指導教員:福祉総合学部 理学療法学科 大杉 紘徳 助教
課 題:XR技術の応用システムの事例紹介
学生代表:メディア学部 山藤 智央 さん
指導教員:メディア学部 中嶋 正夫 教授
テーマ :学生の空腹を満たしてフードロスを減らす 0円弁当チャレンジ― J愛 You Ben to U SDGs弁当)―
代表学生:国際人文学部 国際交流学科 人見 素妃亜 さん
指導教員:国際人文学部 国際交流学科 川野 有佳 教授
テーマ :オリーブ産地化支援によるヘルスケアのまちづくり
代表学生:薬学部 岡﨑 妙子 さん
指導教員:薬学部 光本 篤史 教授
課 題:鴨川市四方木地区の認知度向上に向けた地域マップの作成
団体名称:内山ゼミ 横須賀チーム
学生代表:観光学部 横須賀 未蘭 さん
指導教員:観光学部 内山 達也 教授