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Togane City and Nishimisaki Kanko Co., Ltd. conclude an agreement to support people unable to return home in the event of a disaster.

Regional cooperation


Holding the agreement (from left) CEO Takagi, University President Kurabayashi, and Mayor Shikama

On September 17, the University, Togane City (Chiba Prefecture), and Nishimisaki Kanko K.K. (Chiba Prefecture, Chiba City) signed an agreement to support people who have difficulty returning home in the event of a disaster. In the event of a disaster in Togane City, the University will commission Nishimisaki Kanko Co. to operate a shuttle bus service to assist those who have difficulty returning home, thereby cooperating with Togane City's disaster response efforts.

The signing ceremony was held in the city, with Mayor Rikuro Shikama, Nishimisaki Kanko Co., Ltd. Representative Director Tsuneaki Takagi, and University President Masato Kurabayashi signing the agreement and giving speeches.

Mayor Shikama said, "This agreement marks a major step forward in supporting those unable to return home in Togane City, and we at Togane would like to continue to work hard to create a safe and secure city that is resilient to disasters."

Next, University President Kurabayashi said, "On October 16, 2023, we signed an agreement to use university facilities as evacuation shelters in the event of a disaster. This time, we were also able to reach an agreement to provide support for returning home, which also allows us to make a social contribution to the local community."

Finally, CEO Takagi stated, "We would like to learn from the lessons of the 2019 Boso Peninsula Typhoon and work to be able to respond immediately in the unlikely event of an emergency."

All three parties actively exchanged opinions, expressing their desire to raise awareness in the future, for example by conducting simulations simulating actual disasters.