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Our university ranked 20th overall in the "University Smartphone Site Usability Survey"



Our university's website was ranked 20th overall in Nikkei BP Consulting's "University Smartphone Site Usability Survey 2024-2025."

The purpose of this survey was to evaluate university smartphone sites from the perspective of usability, and it assessed the usability of university websites across eight categories at 265 universities nationwide (64 national universities, 18 public universities, and 183 private universities) with a minimum number of undergraduate students.

Nikkei BP Consulting has been conducting assessments of PC-based university websites every year from 2004 to 2017. Using that know-how, it conducted its first smartphone website survey in 2015, making this its 10th survey.

Our university requested the survey for the first time in 2021 and was ranked 137th. By overcoming obstacles little by little each year, we have steadily improved our ranking, ranking 57th in 2022 and 30th in 2023, and now 20th this time.

We will continue to strive to improve the usability of our website.