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About Japanese Studies Program Guidance

Educational Goals (Chapter 1, Article 1, Partially revised)
In order to realize Josai International University 's founding spirit of `` character development through learning'' and its educational philosophy of ``developing character as people who live in an international society,'' we provide international students with training in Japanese language and culture, and also provide opportunities to interact with other countries. By implementing interdisciplinary education that understands the relationship between

Diploma Policy (DP)
Japanese Studies Program will certify graduation from the Japanese language course and Japanese culture course and award a diploma if the student has acquired the specified number of credits and falls under the following criteria.

・Have and be able to utilize the Japanese language skills and knowledge necessary to think concretely about one's future and move forward in that direction.
・Have the ability to think and solve problems that arise in daily life and studies on your own, and be able to independently set and accomplish goals.
・Be able to respect people from various cultural backgrounds and build harmonious relationships within the community as a member of a multicultural society.

Curriculum Policy (CP)
In order to develop human resources with Japanese language skills and self-development skills that will enable them to carve out their own career path, the Japanese Studies Program Course is based on the educational research objectives and graduation certification policy. ).

・In order to use the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and to acquire the Japanese language and communication skills required for higher education, we will establish a comprehensive Japanese language course that teaches the four skills.
- Focusing on "connection," we will establish content-language integrated subjects to help students gain knowledge and experience to connect with the real world, different cultures, local communities, etc.
・In order to acquire the ability and method to study independently and autonomously, we will establish an independent learning project subject including portfolio creation.
・Establish subjects to help students acquire the basic skills necessary to adapt to life in Japan and to explore and solve problems on their own.
・Establish academic subjects in order to acquire the knowledge and practical skills that form the basis of the learning activities required in higher education.
Admission Policy (AP)
In line with Japanese Studies Program is looking for people who sympathize with Josai International University 's founding spirit and educational policy, and who meet the following criteria.

1. A person who can visualize the human resources that will be needed in the future in the international community and the person they want to become, and who can independently learn to become such a person.
2. People who can work towards solving problems while asking for the cooperation of others, and who can collaborate and learn from each other.
3. People who have an interest and desire to live in different cultures and local communities, and are able to expand and deepen their own activities while seeking mutual understanding with others.