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Kazunori Suzuki Kazunori Suzuki

Kazunori Suzuki

SUZUKI Kazunori

Assistant professor


Main subjects


Research theme/keyword


Final academic background/degree

東京工業大学大学院 環境・社会理工学院 博士後期課程 単位取得満期退学/修士(文学)

licence · Qualification


Affiliated academic society


Major achievements

鈴木一徳・平川眞規子(2019)「日本語母語話者およびスペイン語母語話者による心理形容詞の解釈― Is the lecturer bored or boring? ―」白畑知彦・須田孝司(編)『第二言語習得研究モノグラフシリーズ3:言語習得研究の応用可能性—理論から指導・脳科学へ—』(pp. 1–29)くろしお出版.
鈴木一徳(2023)「再述代名詞を含む英語関係節の容認性―第二言語学習者のデータに基づく考察―」『英語学・英語教育研究』28巻42号, pp. 101–120.
鈴木一徳(2020)「日本語の自動詞文における遊離数量詞の解釈―中国語を母語とする日本語学習者のデータから―」『中国語話者のための日本語教育研究』11号, pp. 142–156.
鈴木一徳・山下順子(2019)「主格・属格交替現象における『の』の過剰生成―韓国人日本語学習者を対象とした実証的研究―」『第二言語としての日本語の習得研究』22号, pp. 62–76.
Suzuki, K., Shioda, K., Kikuchi, N., Maetsu, M., and Hirakawa, M. (2016). Cross-linguistic effects in L2 acquisition of causative constructions. In J. Scott and D. Waughtal (Eds.), BUCLD 40 Online Proceedings Supplement (pp. 1–10). Boston University Conference on Language Development.


extracurricular activities

Steering Committee Member of the Japanese Society for Linguistic Sciences (July 2023-)
Japanese Language Education for Chinese Speakers Research Association Conference Organizing Committee (April 2022-)
Visiting Researcher, Chuo University Institute for Research in Humanities (April 2021-present)

Social contribution activities

Lecturer at the "Tsukumo Time (Multicultural Coexistence)" event Chiba Prefectural Narutō High School (lecture theme: "Rethinking Foreign Language Learning") (May 15, 2024)


Universities are diverse environments. Take on various challenges, interact with various people, broaden your horizons, and thoroughly explore your “self” as a global citizen. Sometimes it may be important to stop, deviate from the road, or even run in the opposite direction (my life is always derailed...). I look forward to speaking with you. Please visit our laboratory.