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Liu Chenyi Liu Chenyi

Liu Chenyi

リュウ チェンイ

Assistant Professor New Media Course

area of expertise: video expression, animation, visual arts, photography

Main subjects

Media Arts (Video Production), Program Composition, Visual Documentary, Animation I, Animation Production Exercises, Project Research

Research Themes and Keywords

Video expression, animation, visual art, photography

Final academic background/degree

Waseda University Graduate School of International Information and Telecommunications Research /PhD

Major achievements

For more details on Research please click here.

Social contribution activities

Art animation lecture at a high school in Chiba City
As a joint project with Chiba Prefectural Police, VR video production with students Judges at the high school film festival "National Eiga Koshien"


All you need to do is take one step forward each day. The foundation of art is "communication" and "dialogue." My doctoral Research theme was "Postmodern visual expression of ancient thought." When ancient thought and philosophy are reconsidered in modern times, it creates a clash between ancient and modern times, leading to new creations that have never been seen before. This theme is also the main axis of my video production, and I am Research how to visualize it. In my education in video expression, I will inherit the above Research theme, and at the same time, I would like students to think through the issue of "what to shoot" and experience the process of turning it into a work of art while cherishing their own "interesting" ideas.