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第4回 オンライン研究計画書作成セミナーが開催されました | The 4th Research Proposal Writing Seminar was held online.






好評のため、第5回研究計画書セミナーを追加開催することが決定しました。 詳しくは以下のURLをご覧ください。多くのみなさまのご参加をお待ちしております。

We held "Reesarch Proposal Writing Seminar" on February, 3rd, 2022.  The 4th of our popular seminars this year was held online to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.

In the seminar, we enjoyed discussing with many international students who currently study Japanese in language schools in Japan. We are also glad to announce that, this time, we also welcomed a teacher from a Japanese language school and a business person who wish to study in a Graduate School.

After learnig a variety of topics such as "What is a research?", "What is a research propobal?", "How to write a good resarch proposal?" and so on, particpants asked many quesitons about thier proposal writing. Our faculy members were there to answer each of those questions so that they will be better prepared for their entrance exams for graduate schools,. Here we are very thankful for your active participations.

Last but not least, today we are happy to announce that we will have another Research Writing Seminar online. As for the details and online registration, please click the link below and register via email. We are looking forward to seeing you soon: