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「若手・中堅による政策勉強会」との観光に関する合同ゼミ | Joint Seminar on Tourism with "Policy Study Group by Young and Mid-Career Professionals”




黒澤准教授から「日本の政策形成プロセス-DMO自主財源論の高まりを契機に-」と題して話題提供が行われました。その後、現役DMO等幹部も含む参加者らから現場での取り組みや苦労された経験などの話がありました。30名以上集まり、持続性のある地域の観光振興に向けて、DMO(観光地域づくり法人、Destination Marketing/Management Organization)・観光協会の自主財源の確保の現状と課題、政策形成のための政治との関わり合いについて活発な意見交換の場になりました。ゼミ生も実社会の一面を伺え、大変刺激になりました。

On April 26, 2022, a study session was held jointly by the "Policy Study Group by Young and Mid-Career Professionals" led by the Next Generation Policy Design Institute (Representative: Mr. Masatsugu Mitsuishi) and Kurosawa Seminar (Prof. Takekuni Kurosawa).

Prof. Kurosawa gave a presentation on the topic "Policy Making Process in Japan: The Rise of the DMO Self-financing Argument." Afterwards, participants, including current DMO executives, talked about their initiatives in the field and the difficulties they have experienced. More than 30 participants gathered and actively exchanged opinions on the current situation and challenges of DMOs (Destination Marketing/Management Organizations) and tourism associations in securing their own financial resources for sustainable regional tourism promotion, and on the relationship with politics for policy making. The students also learned about aspects of the real world, which was very stimulating.