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遠藤十亜希教授がベルリン(ドイツ)で開催の国際会議で論文を発表しました | Dr. Toake Endoh, Dean of the GSIA and professor of political science presented her paper at an international conference in Berlin, Germany




Our Dean Prof. Endoh presenting her research paper on Japan's immigration-control regime


6月24日、ベルリン日独センター・ドゥイスブルグ=エッセン大学共催シンポジウム「Attractive for Immigrants?」において、遠藤研究科長が日本の入管制度に関する論文を発表し、日本と欧州、アジアの移民政策について、政治学・社会学・言語教育学などの専門家たちと意見交換しました。同会議で発表された論文は、一冊の本として出版されることになりそうです。乞うご期待! 

Dr. Toake Endoh, Dean of the GSIA and professor of political science presented her paper at an international conference in Berlin, Germany 

On June 24, Dr. Endoh presented her research paper on Japan’s immigration-control regime at the symposium “Attractive for Immigrants?,” co-hosted by the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and IN-EAST Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen.  She also exchanged her opinions and ideas with other panelists from various fields including political science, sociology, and language-education.  The presented papers are expected to be published as an anthology in the near future.  Please look forward to it!