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本研究科の院生がAsia Summer Program (ASP) 2022において金賞を受賞しました | Our graduate student won a gold metal (best presentation award) at Asian Summer Program 2022



大学院国際アドミニストレーション研究科に在籍中のTieu T.Thanh Phuongさんとそのチームが、JIUがホストを務めるAsia Summer Program (ASP) 2022において金賞を受賞しました。


A team led by Ms. Tieu T.Thanh Phuong, a graduate student of GSIA, won a best presentation award (a gold medal) at Asian Summer Program 2022. 

Below is her comment on her team’s presentation on Sustainability in Business and winning the award. Let us express our warmest congratulations on your achievement!

"ASP this year was held with the theme of Diversity and Inclusion. My team talked about what we can do to deal with future challenges (1) in Asian societies and to improve diversity (2) and inclusiveness (3) in terms of sustainability in business. 

It’s a quite broad question so we narrowed it down to the Southeast Asian region and the manufacturing sector.
We think Southeast Asian countries’ companies are dealing with 2 main challenges which are a digital transformation and low employee engagement rate. Also, traditional stereotyping companies do not support diversity; and Gender, Age, and Occupation opportunities are some factors that should be focused on to improve inclusion in a business.

The thing I love the most about the presentation is that we worked quite well together, I feel very lucky to have them. They have a good mindset, good at English, and are very confident. We just had 15min for 4 people, that’s why I really love the way everyone tried a lot to condense each part even though there were too many things to cover, and we ended it with 14min 45s :) It was not the result but I enjoyed the feeling when working with those guys so much!!"

For more details, please refer to the link below:
JIU Asia Summer Program 2022