本記事は、石井准教授と本研究科の大学院生であるTieu T.Thanh Phuongさんが執筆しました。
This article is written by Professor Ishii and Ms. Tieu T.Thanh Phuong, a graduate student of All English Program at GSIA.
「Marketing Strategy」の授業で東芝未来科学館(川崎市)を訪問。ユーザーニーズに対応した先駆的な商品開発に応用されている科学を学び、技術を体験しました。
本研究科の石井准教授とAll English Courseの学生(5人)は、それぞれのゾーンで、英語での説明を受け、展示を見るだけでなく、デモンストレーションを体験する中で、案内の方に活発に質問させていただきました。日本を代表する企業の製品開発への科学技術の応用を実際に体感することができ、素晴らしい企業訪問となりました。
Dr. Shinichi Ishii and students at the Graduate School of International Administration from the Marketing Strategy class – All English Course had a visit to Toshiba Science Museum. Dr. Ishii gave a special lecture on a field trip and students were received detail explanation in English.
TOSHIBA SCIENCE MUSEUM is consisting of ’Welcome Area’, ‘History Zone (nearly 150 years history of TOSHIBA, that made Japanese lifestyle happen with a variety of advanced technology), ‘Science Zone (We can have fun while studying science and technology through workshops and demonstrations) and Future Zone (We can have an experience of future in the dream)
By joining a tour from the History zone, Science zone, and Future zone of the museum, students in the Marketing Strategy class had an opportunity to understand the way Toshiba applies marketing strategy in business and improves the brand by designing a place to share the company's history, main products, and future technologies. We had a splendid visiting experience by realizing products development system, utilizing applied science and technology by TOSHIBA, one of the leading Japanese Company.
We expressed sincere gratitude to TOSHIBA to welcome our visit.
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