This article is written by Ms. Tieu T.hanh Phuong, a graduate student of the All English Program at GSIA.
Prof. Thithi Lay and GSIA students had a visit to the ASEAN–Japan Centre in Shinbashi, Minato city, Tokyo.
ASEAN (economics, society, and politics) class, which is led by Professor Thithi Lay had some special activities during the lectures.
Prof. Thithi Lay invited Mr. Tatsuo FUJIMURA―Director of Japan Myanmar Friendship Association (日本ミャンマー友好協会), and former Director of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)―came to the campus to share his knowledge and experience about how to become a global citizen through his life story and career.
He also pointed out the core competencies students need to obtain to become a world-class professionals.
Mr. Tatsuo FUJIMURA's lecture inspiring GSIA students to become a member of global citizen.
To finish the class, Professor Thithi Lay and students had a visit to the ASEAN–Japan Centre in Shinbashi, Minato city, Tokyo.
A brief presentation made by the center’s staff about 10 Asian countries as well as the current relationship between ASEAN and Japan was a wrap-up for the class and raised the knowledge for students about an important area of Asia, not only regarding economics and society, but also politics problems and the past, current, and future relationship with Japan.
The extra-curriculum activities of the ASEAN class helps us not only consolidated what have been taught but also provided more insights about the practical sides of career path as well as global and area situation, which is even more important for after-graduate activities of students.
GSIA Students surrouding Director of Japan Myanmar Friendship Association (日本ミャンマー友好協会), and former Director of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)