小松准教授が12月4日、国際大学間の未来ネットワーク (Consortium for International University Networking, CoIN)主催の「観光ビジネスアイデアコンテスト」の司会を務めます。
【案内】12/4 観光ビジネスアイデアコンテストを開催します
CoIN (Consortium for International University Networking)
On December 4th, our Associate Professor, Goro KOMATSU, will host Tourism Business Idea Competition by Consortium for International University Networking (CoIN).
This contest is organized by the four member universities since they have unique tourism departments or courses. The objective of this contest is to revitalize and strengthen the local tourism industry in After-COVID-19 era and to promote collaborations between industry, academia, government, and local community.
From each of the four universities, one team of students will participate and give presentations on their tourism business ideas to promote their respective regions.
This contest is open to anyone interested in tourism industries. You can also watch the competition live on YouTube.
To register the event, please click the link above.