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石井准教授の「Supply Chain Management」の授業で東芝未来科学館を訪問しました | Professor Ishii and his class students visited TOSHIBA SCIENCE MUSEUM




Graduate students having demonstration of products in English

本研究科の石井准教授がAll English Course「Supply Chain Management」の授業において、学生とともに東芝未来科学館(川崎市)を訪問しました。

東芝未来科学館はユニークないくつかのゾーンで構成されています。All English Courseの学生4人は、それぞれのゾーンで、英語での説明を受け、展示を見るだけでなく、デモンストレーションを体験する中で、案内の方に活発に質問させていただきました。




All English Courseの学生4人が参加した。
Four of our All-English Course students joined the visit.

Our Associate Professor, Dr. Shinichi ISHII and his students at his Supply Chain Management class had a visit to Toshiba Science Museum at Kawasaki City.

TOSHIBA SCIENCE MUSEUM consists of a variety of unique Zones showing its history, science and innovation.  

We had a splendid visiting experience by realizing products development system, utilizing applied science and technology by TOSHIBA, one of the leading Japanese Company.

We expressed sincere gratitude to TOSHIBA to welcome our visit.

History Zone exhibits nearly 150 years history of TOSHIBA