今年度は、5名の学業成績及び人物面において優秀な留学生が、厳正な審査のもとに選考されました。 授与式には、同奨学金のご寄付を頂いている株式会社RSテクノロジーズ代表取締役社長・方永義氏にご出席いただきました。ご参加ありがとうございました。
The Graduate School of International Administration (GSIA) held Ho Nagayoshi Scholarship of Excellence Ceremony (7th) held on Tuesday, March 8th, 2023, at our Tokyo Kioicho Campus.
This year, five international students were awarded the Scholarship for their recognized outstanding academic achievements and personalities. The award ceremony was attended by Dr. Nagayoshi Ho, President and CEO of RS Technologies Co., Ltd.
The recipients, faculty members, and our staff greatly appreciated our distinguished guest. President Ho gave words of encouragement and presented the award certificates to the awardees. In exchange, the students, probably a bit nervous though, expressed their future aspirations with renewed determination.
What is Ho Nagayoshi Scholarship of Excellence?
Ho Nagayoshi Scholarship of Excellence was established by Mr. Nagayoshi Ho, who is President and CEO of RS Technologies, Co., Inc. as well as a JIU alumnae, in order to support international students who demonstrate outstanding academic performance, appreciate Japanese culture, and have a strong potential to contribute to international exchanges between Japan and their home country(-ies).