From the Dean's Office
Our summer break starts on Friday, August 9. I hope all students and faculty members will enjoy their time with friends, family, or alone doing what you didn’t have time to do during the semester. Here are some photos of what we have accomplished so far this year.
1. We flew to California on February 5. Students attended a one-month program at the University of California, Riverside where they lived with a host family. I met two of my former students who got married and now live with their daughter in Southern California.
2. On February 19 I was at Chubu Centrair International Airport in Nagoya for an internship at ANA. We were there for three days learning more about the responsibilities of the ground staff.
(2月19日、私はANAのインターンシップで名古屋の中部国際空港にいました。 私たちは3日間そこでグランドスタッフの仕事について学びました。)
3. On March 6, I was at Camosun College with President Sugibayashi attending a ceremony where JIU received the Board of Governors Award for Innovative College Partnerships 2024. We’ve been partners since 1992 and so many of our students have spent time there and some of the Canadian students have also transferred to JIU or spend some time here in Togane as exchange students. A memorable ceremony.
(3月6日、私は杉林学長と共にカモーソン・カレッジで行われた、JIUが"The Board of Governors Award for Innovative College Partnerships 2024"を受賞した式典に出席しました。私たちは1992年以来のパートナーであり、私たちの学生の多くがこのカレッジで学び、カナダの学生の中にはJIUに編入したり、交換留学生としてここ東金で過ごした学生もいます。記念すべき式典でした。)
4. Commencement on March 15: undergraduate and graduate school
5. Welcome party for the new international students
6. Suzuki-sensei and I visited the University of Alberta in Canada on May 31.
7. Suzuki-sensei and I participated in the International Partnership Week at Camosun College in Canada from June 3 to June 7. It was a pleasure talking to faculty members of other institutions from countries such as France, Germany, and the Philippines. It is always important to discuss new possibilities for our students.
8. A wonderful concert by Hungarian pianist Fulei Balazs on campus, and I was pleased to introduce the “yakiniku” culture to him. He was certainly very pleased with the unique way of eating different types of beef.
( ハンガリーのピアニスト、フレイ・バラージュ氏の素晴らしいコンサートがキャンパスで開催され、私はバラージュ氏に「焼肉」文化を紹介しました。バラージュ氏は日本の焼肉のユニークな食べ方を知り、とても喜んでいました。)
9. Asia Summer Program at Dongseo University in Korea. I represented JIU (one of the founding universities) at the Opening Ceremony of the Asian Summer Program at Dongseo University in Busan, Korea.