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参加した学生は、CLEの講師であるコリンズ先生、フェルミン先生、フィゲロア先生がサポートするセッションに参加しました。また、4回目は人文科学研究科の芳賀先生が担当しました。また、国際教育センター(以下CIE)主催の巻き寿司作りやイチゴ狩り、東京の観光地への遠足など、学内外で楽しめる課外活動も行われました。また、日本とカナダの加盟校の3、4年生からなる学生代表が一堂に会し、現在の学生が関心を持つ共通の話題について意見やアイデアを交換しました。このフォーラムの目的は、学生が異文化の仲間と交流する機会を提供し、現在の学術的関心分野についての洞察を深め、カナダと日本の間でアイデアを共有しそれを促進することにあります。(詳しくは、[JACAC website:]をご参照ください。)

ここでの主な活動は、2023年学生フォーラムのテーマに関連したトピックについて、4名でプレゼンテーションを行うためのグループワークでした。2023年学生フォーラムのテーマ「カナダと日本:外交関係100年に向けて」に関連したテーマで、4人のグループワークが進められました。最終日のプレゼンテーションは、東京のカナダ大使館で行われ、高円宮妃久子殿下、駐日カナダ大使イアン・マッケイ閣下、アルバータ大学ウィリアム・フラナガン学長、城西国際大学杉林堅次学長など、複数の要人が出席されました。審査員は、藤原綾氏(アルバータ大学)、Diane Khor氏(法政大学)、Steven Lapointe氏(在日カナダ大使館)、そして審査員長の市山先生(城西国際大学)の4名です。進行役を務めたのは語学教育センター長のティム・ウールステンクロフト先生でした。





Josai International University hosted the 14th Japan-Canada Academic Consortium Student Forum in February of 2023. Twenty-four students participated. Half of them represented universities from across Japan and half represented universities from across Canada. The Center for Language Education (CLE) planned the curriculum of the one-week forum, with generous sponsorship by the Prince Takamado Japan Canada Memorial Fund, the University of Alberta (Canada), and the Embassy of Canada.

The Japan-Canada Academic Consortium aims to promote the exchange of undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and teachers, and to encourage a movement of ideas and knowledge between the two countries. [JACAC website:]

Participating students attended sessions facilitated by three CLE instructors: Professor Collins, Professor Fermin, and Professor Figueroa. A fourth session was taught by Professor Haga from the Graduate School of Humanities. There were also extra-curricular activities for students to enjoy both on campus and off campus, such as sushi-roll making, strawberry picking, and field trips to tourist spots in Tokyo – all organized by the Center for International Education (CIE).

Senior undergraduate student representatives from member institutions in both Japan and Canada met and exchanged opinions and ideas about a common topic of interest to students today… The goal of this forum is to provide students with the opportunity to interact with their peers from a different culture, in order to gain insight into their current areas of academic interest and to encourage a flow of ideas between Canada and Japan. [JACAC website:]

The primary activity was for students to engage in groupwork for a 4-member presentation on a topic related to the 2023 Student Forum’s theme: Canada and Japan: Towards 100 Years of Diplomatic Relations. Presentations were given on the final day at the Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, where several dignitaries were present, such as her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, His Excellency Mr. Ian McKay, Ambassador of Canada to Japan, President William Flanagan of the University of Alberta, and the President of Josai International University, Kenji Sugibayashi. The four judges were Dr Aya Fujiwara (University of Alberta), Dr Diane Khor (Hosei University), Mr Steven Lapointe (Embassy of Canada to Japan), and Chief Judge Professor Shiguemi Ichiyama (Josai International University). The Master of Ceremonies was the CLE Director, Tim Woolstencroft.

Students delivered very engaging presentations on relevant topics, with much diligence, teamwork, composure, and critical thinking on display. The winning group gave a particularly good presentation, but all students were winners who proudly represented their respective countries and universities. The reception at the Embassy to close the forum was a fun and eventful affair, with speeches, awards, and a fine buffet.

Feedback from participating students was very good. The CLE, which showed great teamwork with the CIE in planning and running the forum, is particularly proud to have played a pivotal role in this year’s version which, unfortunately, appears to be the final one. It is hoped, however, that with the momentum garnered over the last 14 years by JACAC, a similar student forum can continue in the future, with JIU (and by extension, the CLE) perhaps playing a role.

Students representing the following universities were all key to the success of JACAC 2023 hosted by Josai International University. It was a special pleasure to have them attend the CLE at JIU in Chiba, Japan.

Canadian Universities: University of Alberta | University of British Columbia | University of Regina | York University | Queen’s University | Université De Montréal | Concordia University | Université Laval | University of Prince Edward Island | University of Waterloo & Renison


Japanese Universities:
J.F. Oberlin University | Tsuda University | Kwansei Gakuin University | Hosei University | Ritsumeikan University | Seinan Gakuin University | Josai International University |