It is a great pleasure to welcome our many international students to Josai International University (JIU). Unfortunately some of the incoming international students haven’t been able to enter Japan yet due to the COVID-19 outbreak. I am heartily looking forward to welcoming all the students to our campuses in the near future.
JIU was founded in 1992 and became the third university established by the Josai University Educational Corporation. JIU currently has more than 6,000 students registered in eight faculties and six graduate schools. JIU has three campuses: Chiba Togane Campus, Tokyo Kioicho Campus and Awa Campus. In 2022 the Faculty of Tourism will move from the Awa Campus to the Chiba Togane Campus thus consolidating our places of learning over two campuses.
Josai University Educational Corporation was founded in 1965 by the late Mikio Mizuta. He served several terms as Minister of International Trade and Industry and Minister of Finance. Mikio Mizuta's motto throughout his life was "never lie, never deceive, and never flatter." His founding philosophy "Character Building through Learning" has become the founding educational philosophy at JIU. We would encourage you to conduct your studies and live your lives according to our founder’s principals.
As international students, you already know how important globalization and internationalization have become. I would like the international students to learn Japanese and learn about Japanese culture to the best of your abilities. I would encourage you to develop a deeper specialization in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. In addition, it is important for you to develop a better understanding of the differences and similarities between your home country and Japan. I also hope that the new incoming students who have grown up in Japan will take full advantage of the many opportunities afforded them on our global campuses.
新入生の皆さんも感じられているように、現在世界中に広がっている新型コロナウイルス感染症に対する社会的離隔政策(social distancing)によって、我々の生活様式はnew normalへと変化しつつあります。産業界でも、これまでは、少数のグローバル企業が海外との重要なミーティングなどにテレビ会議を取り入れている程度でしたが、今では、多くの企業がテレワークを継続的に活用し、都内の巨大オフィスを縮小する会社も出てきました。一方で、GAFA(Google、Apple、Facebook、Amazon)をはじめとするIT系巨大企業は、コロナ禍にあってもその業績に全く陰りが見えないとも聞きます。また、オンライン診療、雇用シェア、マイクロツーリズム、ワーケーションといった新たなビジネスモデルや働き方が登場し始めました。
In these current times all of us are required to adjust our lifestyle to the “new normal” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, many companies are utilizing video conferencing and have changed the traditional physical office environment by putting into place systems that allow remote working. The GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) group of IT related companies are not letting the Corona virus outbreak affect their achievements. New business models and work styles such as online medical treatment, employment sharing, micro-tourism, and workations have begun to appear.
このnew normalの波は教育界にも押し寄せています。遅々として進まなかったオンライン教育もこの数か月で一気に導入が加速し、本学でもすでに1700講座もの授業が、実験実習を含め日々工夫を重ねながら開講されています。しかし、対面の授業もやってほしいという意見や、特に新入生からはキャンパスに来て友達を作りたいという声が出てきました。このような学生の希望を考慮して、秋学期からはウイルス感染予防対策をしっかり行いICT(情報通信技術、Information and Communication Technology)を駆使しながら、オンライン授業、オンデマンド授業(自分の好きな時にインターネットにアクセスして映像・音声を再生して勉強)、そして対面の授業を併用していこうと考えております。
Educational institutions have also had to react to these new normal times. The use of online education has accelerated over the last few months, and most of our lectures can now be conducted online at JIU. Despite the positive aspects of online education, we understand students’ desire to have face-to-face classes, and come to the campuses and make new friends. With this in mind, JIU intends to hold hybrid online classes incorporating on-demand activities (including audio and visual materials that can be accessed by students through the Internet at any time) together with face-to-face classes. We will continue to take all proper measures against the spread of the Corona virus.
近年の科学技術の進歩は著しいものがあり、その中には理系はもちろん文系の学生にも知ってほしいことが多くあります。2045年にやってくると言われるシンギュラリティ(技術的特異点)とは何かについて考えてください。もちろん、AI(人工知能)やデータサイエンスも学ばねばなりません。技術革新が進みSociety 5.0(内閣府が提唱する未来社会。仮想空間と現実空間の融合により、経済発展と社会的課題の解決を両立させる)時代に向けた人材育成の必要性が叫ばれる中、皆さんにはこれから何を勉強しなければならないかを真剣に考えてほしいと思っています。
さらに、キャッシュレス時代の到来で、FinTechやブロックチェーンという用語も出てきました。サプライチェーンにおいても、何を作り、何を流通させるかはサプライヤーではなくユーザーが決めるように変わってきたと言われています。このような中、世界や日本の経済はどう変化し、どのように進むのでしょうか。社会科学を専門としない新入生にも、このようなことを勉強してほしいと思っています。加えて、人生100年時代、食糧やエネルギー問題、そして地球温暖化の問題、さらには国連が提唱したSDGs(持続可能な開発目標、Sustainable Development Goals」)といったことにどう対処していくかを考えずに卒業・修了するようなことがないようにしてください。時代は変わりつつあります。皆さんには飽きることがないくらい学習することがたくさんあります。ただ、勉強、勉強で自らを追い込みすぎないでください。教職員と、また友達と、さらにはご家族とも話しながら、楽しんで勉強していくことが重要だと私は考えています。
There are important areas of study that I would personally like all the incoming students to focus on. The progress made in the fields of science and technology has been remarkable in recent years. Consider “the technological singularity”, which it is predicted we will reach by 2045. The new incoming students also need to understand the use of “AI” and “data sciences.” Technological innovation has advanced “Society 5.0” (a notion proposed by the Cabinet Office in Japan, which is an ideal future society using highly integrating cyberspace and physical space to achieve both economic development and the resolution of social issues). With the advent of the cashless era, the terms “Fintech” and “Block chain” have emerged. The supply chain has been handled by users, instead of suppliers. Under these circumstances, how will the world and Japanese economy change and how will we proceed? In addition, until graduation, new incoming students will have to study about “the 100 years of life”, “future food and energy”, “global warming”, and “the SDGs” (Sustainable Development Goals) advocated by the United Nations. Our world is rapidly changing. Therefore, you have so much to learn that there will never be a lack of new challenges. Nonetheless, try not to allow yourself to become overwhelmed. It is important to study while having fun, please take time to talk to faculty and staff members, friends, and parents.
We are always ready to help with your academic life. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything you need. In addition, the residents of Togane, Kamogawa and Tokyo will take good care of you. Congratulations, everyone. I hope you will enjoy your campus life at JIU.
学長 杉林 堅次
Kenji Sugibayashi, Ph.D.
Josai International University
September 18, 2020