[1] 文脈不要の世界からマクロ文脈的世界へ ―柴さんとともに歩んだ私の言語学の43年―
[1] From a Context-free World to a thoroughly Contextualized World: 43 years of linguistic research and friendship with Shiba-san
-Andrej Bekeš
[2] バルカン諸国歴史教科書の比較研究と柴宜弘先生
[2] Comparative Study of Balkan Nations History Textbooks and Professor Nobuhiro Shiba
-Shinichi Ishida
[3] 柴 宜弘氏と「中欧」
[3] Nobuhiro Shiba and "Central Europe"
-Atsushi Otsuru
[4] 故柴 宜弘さんの個人的な思い出
-長與 進
[4] Personal Memories of the Late Nobuhiro Shiba
-Susumu Nagayo
[5] 中欧研究所と柴先生からの宿題
-飯尾 唯紀
[5] Josai Institute for Central European Studies and the 'Homework' from Professor Shiba
-Tadaki Iio
[6] 柴さんと歩んだ「東欧史研究」 -ふたつの「20 世紀国家」の建国から解体まで-
[6] Research on Eastern European History with Shiba-san: Two '20th century states' from founding to dismantlement
-Tadayuki Hayashi
[7] Professor Shiba's Friendship with Slovene Historians
-Peter Vodopivec
[8] Three Projects - many years of cooperation with professor Shiba
-Žarko Lazarević