[1] トリアノン条約における日本委員の果たした役割 ~対ハンガリー国境画定に関する現地報告書を読む~
[1] The role of the Japanese members of the Committee of Border Demarcation in the Treaty of Trianon - Reading the on-site report on the Hungarian border demarcation inspections –
-Yuko Umemura;
[2] 「白系ロシア人」音楽家カテリーナ・トドロヴィチの日本滞在(2) ―1920年代から離日まで―
-柴 理子
[2] The Stay in Japan of a ‘White Russian’ Pianist, Katerina Todorović (2): Her Career from the 1920s to 1940
-Riko Shiba
[3] The interpretation of Buddhism by Hungarian Catholic and Protestant theologians and writers during the 1930s and 1940s with a focus on the works of Pal Farkas, Zsigmond Varga and Floris Kuhar
-Attila Kiraly
[4] Hungarian Language Lessons for Japan: Does 19th century Hungary's 'polyglot nationalism' offer examples of policies to help Japan stem population decline?
-Andrew Horvat
[5] Japanese Studies in the German Democratic Republic
-Martin Glowatz
[7] Thinking Ecologically, Not Economically: The Impact of Climate Change on Tatra Mountains
-Ivana Lehocká
[8]Perceptions of Climate Change in Hungary: Challenges to adoption of renewable energy
- Lénárt Viktor Márk
[9] Ecology in Lithuania: Old habits replaced by new ones
-Vlada Novickaja