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第14回日本・カナダ学生フォーラム 修了式がカナダ大使館で開催されました



2023年2月21日から3月1日の間で、『第14回日本カナダ学生フォーラム』が城西国際大学で開催されました。本フォーラムでは、日加学術コンソーシアム(Japan-Canada Academic Consortium, JACAC)に加盟する17の日加の大学から選抜された学生が、グループワークを通して相互理解を深めることを目的としています。
今回が最後の開催となる本フォーラムは3年ぶりに対面での開催となり、17の加盟大学からの参加者を迎え、日本の城西国際大学がホスト校を務めました。今年度は、「Canada and Japan: Towards 100 years of diplomatic relations」をテーマに、城西国際大学の千葉東金キャンパスおよび東京紀尾井町キャンパスが会場となり、専門的な講義、日加混合でのグループワーク、フィールドトリップ、地域文化を学ぶアクティビティ等が実施されました。




修了式とレセプションは、2月27日に高円宮妃殿下ご臨席のもと、カナダ大使館において開催されました。6つのグループによる熱のこもったプレゼンテーションのあと、3名の教員と1名の大使館員による審査の結果、Best Presentation Award(最優秀賞)が決定し、修了式で最優秀グループが発表されました。


レセプション会場では、日加の学生同士が投票で選んだLeadership Awardの表彰式が行われ、受賞者2名のスピーチはプログラムへの感謝と自身の未来への夢に満ちあふれたものでした。今回は、Willian Flanaganアルバータ大学学長も駆けつけられ、日本とカナダの学生たちに向けてスピーチをいただきました。



参加学生たちは、レセプションの最後に高円宮妃殿下、カナダ大使とともに記念撮影に臨みました。この一週間は、貴重な体験の連続であり、心に残る思い出になったのではないかと思います。学生たちもフリータイムでようやくリラックスした様子で、フォーラム全体を通して多くを学び、国境を越えて仲間も得て、大変有意義な時間を持つことができ、本プログラムに心から感謝していると笑顔で話していました。今回のフォーラムを開催するにあたっては、日加コンソーシアム加盟の大学、アルバータ大学高円宮日本研究センター(Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research)、法政大学グローバル教育センターの皆様から大きなサポートをいただきました。感謝申し上げます。


The 14th Japan-Canada Academic Consortium Student Forum was held at Josai International University
from February 21 to March 1, 2023. The purpose of the Forum is to deepen mutual understanding
through group work among students selected from 17 Japanese and Canadian universities that
are members of the Japan-Canada Academic Consortium (JACAC).

This was the final Japan-Canada Student Forum and it was the first time in three years
that the Forum was held face-to-face. Josai International University served as the host
institution and was able to welcome participants from 17 JACAC member universities.
This year's Forum, which was themed "Canada and Japan: Towards 100 years of Diplomatic Relations,"
was convened at Josai International University's Chiba Togane Campus and its Tokyo Kioicho Campus.
The program included specialized lectures, group work in six Japanese-Canadian mixed teams, field trips,
and activities to learn about local culture. The 24 participating students in the teams spent several days
preparing their opinions and proposals, working together to compete for the Best Presentation Award.

The Closing Ceremony and Reception were held at the Embassy of Canada in the presence of
Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado on February 27. Following the enthusiastic presentations
by the six groups, three professors and one embassy official judged the presentations and decided on
the group to receive the Best Presentation Award, which was then announced at the Closing Ceremony.
The four members of the best group made a further presentation in front of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado,
after which Her Imperial Highness presented them with Certificates of Commendation and shared a few words.
The Canadian Ambassador also gave commemorative gifts to the winners.

At the Reception, the Leadership Awards, which were voted on by all the participating students,
were presented. The two winners gave speeches expressing gratitude for the program and
they talked about their dreams for their own futures.

President Bill Flanagan of the University of Alberta was also in attendance and gave a speech to the students.

At the end of the Reception, the participating students took a commemorative photo with
Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado and the Canadian Ambassador.
The week provided a series of valuable experiences, and will have left lasting memories
in the minds of the participating students.

The students were finally able to relax and smile during the post-presentation social events
and reported that they had learned a lot throughout the Forum, made friends across borders,
accumulated meaningful knowledge, and thus that they were truly grateful for the opportunities
granted by the program.

In holding the Forum at Josai International University, great support was provided
by the member universities of the Japan-Canada Academic Consortium,
the Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research at the University of Alberta,
and the Hosei University Global Education Center.

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