2023年6月22日~7月25日の日程で、米国UCRからの学生一行20名引率教員2名を受け入れ、国際人文学部を中心に短期研修を行いました。今回の研修のテーマは、“Modernity, War and Justice”で、本学で事前学習を行い、その後、靖国神社、広島(原爆ドームその他)Women’s Active Museum on War and Peaceなどを訪問しました。
We hosted a group of 20 students and 2 accompanying faculty members from UCR in the United States for a short-term training program from June 22 to July 25, 2023. The focus of this training program, centered around the Faculty of International Humanities, was 'Modernity, War, and Justice.' The participants conducted preliminary studies at our university and later visited significant sites such as Yasukuni Shrine, Hiroshima (including the Atomic Bomb Dome), and the Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace.
By visiting these locations, the participants were able to gain a meaningful understanding of the impact of World War II on Japan and its aftermath, beyond what they had learned through videos and books. Experiencing the scars left by the war in Japan and understanding its consequences from a non-American perspective proved to be a valuable aspect of the training.
Moreover, at JIU, the participants had the opportunity to experience various aspects of Japanese culture, including calligraphy, yukata dressing, and festival sushi making. They also engaged in cultural exchange activities with Japanese students. The program concluded with a presentation session where the participants shared their findings. We are pleased to announce that this training program is scheduled to be held again in the 2024 academic year.